Understanding Ingra Built-in Functions

Discover the purpose of Ingra built-in functions, which enhance automation, extensibility, and rapid prototyping by allowing users to create and manage functions without coding.

Built-in Functions

Ingra comes with a set of built-in functions designed to streamline and enhance the user experience. These functions provide essential capabilities that support the core goals of the platform: automation, extensibility, and rapid prototyping. By offering these tools out-of-the-box, Ingra enables users to focus on building and automating their custom workflows without reinventing the wheel.

Why Ingra Has Built-in Functions

Why Built-in Functions?:

The built-in functions serve as the foundational tools that make Ingra flexible and powerful. They allow users to curate their own functions using GPTs without worrying about coding.

  • Ease of Automation: Automate common tasks, such as environment management, function creation, and execution directly from within the platform.
  • Rapid Prototyping: Quickly prototype new functions using existing ones.
  • Customization and Control: Tailor solutions to your needs.
  • Enhanced Integration: Simplify integration with third-party services.

List of Built-in Functions


Generates an exact copy of a function and its arguments by providing the referenced function ID.


Create a new function by providing a function schema.


Test the code without arguments. Validate the function behavior using hard-coded values.


Edit or update one or more fields of an existing function by providing the function ID.


Execute a function by providing its ID and necessary arguments.


Retrieve a code template showing available user and environment variables.


Search functions by ID, slug, description, arguments, and tags. The results include functions from your environment and the community.


View the details of a specific function by its ID or slug, including the function code.


Retrieve a list of all available environment variable keys and their record IDs.


Create a new environment variable to enhance the flexibility and configurability of your functions.


Update an existing environment variable to modify the behavior of functions without changing their code.


Retrieve all available OAuth tokens for the authenticated user, facilitating integration with external services.


Set an OAuth token as the default for a specific service, streamlining interactions with APIs that require authentication.